One week until Father's Day!

My parents - on their wedding day over 50 years ago! Amazing, no? Yes... they are.
Consider yourselves warned. Father's Day is next Sunday 6-18-06. Don't screw it up. Remember the guy who is half the reason you are here and 100% of the cause of which sex you are. (Hello? High School Biology class - "the male carries the determining factor!")
So here on the stuntbrain blog we celebrate dads - not for a day - but for an entire week.
Each day I will be doing my usual blog, but starting the page with a quote from my dad - F. Gregory Opelka - my #1 hero.
Today's quote from The Big Guy:
"The man who knows HOW will always have a job, but the man who knows WHY will always be his boss."
( I believe I was seven years old when he first popped that one on me, but it rings true every single day of my life.)
If you have a dad-ism you'd like to share, please e-mail it here to I'll post them for the world to see.
Thanks - and think about your dad - he's probably a pretty cool guy, I know mine is.
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