White House Declares Open Season On Lawyers? Not Yet. . .

Feb 14, 2006 Happy Valentines Day...
I grew up in Chicago where Valentines Day always had two meanings... and apparently Vice President Dick Cheney celebrated as some of the Chicago Mob would have done in days gone by.
OK OK, stop ringing the “Bad Taste Bell” and give me a break. I know that Harry Whittington (Cheney's victim/friend) had a minor heart attack today - and hope he recovers fully and very soon.
Let’s not make any more of this than is really necessary. This is not about the GOP Gang settling a score with the Legal Gang. The unfortunate accident has more to do with guns in the hands of people over 70 years of age than anything else.
Simma down. Order a shirt from my website. And go kiss your loved one on this Valentines Day.
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