3.2 Billion Spent. To what end?

I wish I could have a purple finger after I vote - perhaps I will do just that... just as the Iraqis did.
The elections are tomorrow.
(Ok, hit me with the gigantic DUH and move on to the next thought-provoking sentence.)
If we piled up all the nasty ads being run on tv, radio, in print and on the web - not only would we have a stinky mess to rival the Staten Island Landfill, but we would see what 3.2 BILLION dollars buys.
We could pay a lot of teachers more money... and who better to get a raise than teachers?
We could pay cops, firefighters and EMS more money too.
New Orleans and the Gulf Coast might see a little more clean up happen.
Follow the money folks, follow the money.
Tomorrow we cast our ballots and decide who gets to spend those tax dollars we send to Washinton, DC. That's right, it's not about stem cells, or interns in chat rooms, or even Iraq - at the end of the day this is about trusting our hard earned cash to people who are supposed to spend it on our protections, our educational system, our highways, and ultimately on us.
So think about that. When you get set to pull the lever, punch the chad or point and click your pick for Senator, Congressperson, Governor, Mayor, etc... Think about which one of those people you want to take hold of your wallet and have unfettered access to between 15 and 45% of what you make.
Are the choices any clearer?
In a perfect world we'd get the chance to wipe it all clean and start with a new slate of people who want the job, care about us, and would spend the money as we would want it spent. Sadly we are stuck with a broken system.
Some say we should be happy with a broken system. After all, there are billions of people around the world with no system and most of them want to be here. Good point. However, I say let's fix the system. It starts with one finger making a choice.
If you approach me in the next two years and have anything to say about the way things are being run in your town, city, state or this great country and you did not vote - I will laugh in your face and walk away from you.
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