Monday, March 06, 2006

Oscar Doesn't Hate Gay People... The Academy Just Loves Itself More

Post-Oscar hangover. There is no real cure, is there?

I can just see the clever headlines in those industry papers... "Cowboys Surprised By Crash" --- "Crash Breaks Broke'sBack" ---there are more and more and more, but what's the use?

The Velvet Mafia had all the pins lined up and ready to fall, but it was not to be. Never underestimate the power of the ego. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences votes for the Oscar winners... And this year's Best Picture Award was a simple call. When in doubt, the Academy will vote for itself.

CRASH is a film ABOUT Los Angeles, starring half of Los Angeles... So who are they going to vote for? A couple of ranch-hands playing footsie on their annual cattle drive or themselves.

Given the opportunity to choose between my neighbor and myself getting "Yard of the Month" - I'm a shoe in, even if his front lawn looks like the fairways of Augusta.

Stop acting so surprised. You'd do it too.


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